[a n t i j a m s e c t]


11 December 2001

i got a warning today that xenon.ucs.indiana.edu is deleting my storage space in a week, since i graduated in august and all.
pulling out what i had there.
finding forgotten neat things.
circa 97-99. two lost years.
i'll post them as i find them.

heres one.
one should make a box of oneself
but who has the right to when she
doesnt know herself anyway
at all
she could put in pills
she could put in a list of dental work she's had
she could put in x.rays of her frailties

< list: broken arm broken ankle broken heart >

she could list the times she's fallen down because even menstruating is too much for her
she could put in pictures of the people she hasnt kissed
but wanted to
she could write about the time when she was little
and she almost ODed on children's grape flavoured tylenol
because it tasted good
and got her stomach pumped
she could list the ways she's going to be so much better this year
she could list the boys she wants to seduce
&she could list those until her lister was sore

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