[a n t i j a m s e c t]


08 June 2002

i wanted to go home, but i didn't. it upsets the mom and the dad too much. i try isolate my misery, i don't want to be seen out of control. i dont like when people learn how human i am. the information that can be used to destroy me. i much prefer being:

the bitch
the slut
the mistress
the corporate professional
the ice queen

these are roles i can play daggers out, to slay. when people start to know antijamsect as :

the lonley
the heartbroken
the depressive
the lover
the needy

this is when the daggers turn inward, and i slay myself.
and so, to ease my troubled mind (sic), i dug up two that are near and dear to me. xanax and vicodin. thus returning to better living through chemistry. at least my name is on these scripts. now i'm going to ride the L downtown to the art institute, its company sponsored free day, look at the pretty pictures and forget forget forget.

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