[a n t i j a m s e c t]



i found one of my best old friends on makeoutclub today. we were close in high school, but then i went to college and just drifted out of contact. the last time i saw him was probably 2 years ago. i think.

i'm really bad about keeping friends. i dont think i've had any for longer than 2 years at a time. within those two years, either we move apart and we eventually stop talking, or some sort of high drama ensues and i now hate that person, or they break my heart and hate me. thats happened a few too many times.

its not like i am surprized i found him on MOC, but it is interesting that i saw his picture posted the day after i removed my "desparately seeking chris zervos" addendum in my MOC profile. i wonder if he saw that.

i wonder if he saw me and either a)didn't recognize me or b)did recognize me, and doesn't want to talk. well, i emailed him, so if he writes back, he writes back. i am hoping he just doesn't recognize me, because i do think that i look wildly different than the last time i saw him, and not being recognized is also better than being snubbed. again.

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