[a n t i j a m s e c t]


06 July 2002

i met cher's son this evening. he looks better from far away. close up, he looks like a european soccer player with bleached hair and blue lipstick. i was not impressed, i figured that with his lineage he'd at least be hott. he was pretty friendly though, and we talked about gary numan.

even though he sings like the guy from type o negative. and did a cover of tom sawyer live. (its a rush song, kids)

ah well. if youre interested, his band is called deadsy. they have a pretty mean cover of replicas on their site.

i had an arena rock evening accompanying my industry friends to the korn show. yeah fucking korn. i had a good time meeting them and seeing them play. suprized this little hipster would go see such commericalized mainstream numetal and actually tell you about it? well, you can SUCK MY DICK AND FUCKING LIKE IT*, i don't have to be highbrow all the time.

reason #9384652 i am better than you whiny pretentious scenster bitches out there. i dont keep myself from experiencing all walks of life because it wont match my outfit. oh and just so all you whiny pretentious scenester bitches know, i'll be seeing the white stripes next week, compliments of epic records. see you behind the velvet rope, babe.

hate me now? good.

*(its a lyric from a korn song, hence the irony.)

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