[a n t i j a m s e c t]


22 December 2001

I don't know who I'm writing for anymore.

It should be for myself, and I thought that was it, but lately I'm thinking it really isn't that way after all.

Even with something like this--to some extent, yes, I know that I do this for myself--
--and yet--
I do it in a public forum
I do it because I like thinking that I'm sharing something with someone

I don't know who I'm sharing with anymore, though, and its been increasingly difficult to tell... and lately I don't feel as though I have anything--as far as talking about my life goes--that i can share here...
hense what this has morphed to
I'd say that I find it odd, because it(me) would seem to fit well here, but really, I don't.
nothing shocking

but i don't know who you are
or why you're reading this
or why i'm writing it
i know i'm compulsive
what about you
and if you want to hear me
and if you do hear me
let's run away together

i wish i had something to show you

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