[a n t i j a m s e c t]


10 July 2001

there's this song the DJ plays every time i go to Exit, i had no idea what it was called, but i love it, its one of those songs i lose myself dancing to every time, and today it was stuck in my head and i only remembered the words "i don't pretend that i love you" so i did a search for those words and i found the song.(!) so the song is called 'once in a lifetime' by some wacky germans named wolfscheim and i feel compelled to share it with you.
come dance with me, won't you?

okay i just have to add that yes, i am fully aware that this is a totally cheesy darkwave dance song, i admit it. but i still love it anyway. ever since i spent that night in bloomington doing a cornucopia of illicit substances with my old gay boss and a bunch of drag queens, some wire got tripped in my brain i think and, whatever, long story short, i like the beatz now.

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