[a n t i j a m s e c t]


01 March 2003

i was at the ladytron show last night, and i was dancing in my 1 foot square of space on the floor, it was sold out and packed, they were playing black plastic...and i feel something wet running down my face. i wipe my nose and look at my hand and its red. i cover my nose with my hand and i make my way through the crowd, from the front to the back, thinking about my music playing, the clothes i am wearing, the whole electroretro, the members only jacket i'm wearing, the jelly bracelets, the hot pink tshirt with zippers on the sleeves, the ankle boots, the skinny white scarf and pink wrap sunglasses i was wearing. thinking, 'oh my god i am the cliche.' thinking if i was going to have a nosebleed in public, this was the outfit to do it in. thinking about how i hadnt actually put anything up my nose since 1999. and never had a nosebleed once. wondering what it means.

and to walk into a bathroom full of girls with a bloody nose and watch them staring at you through the mirror while you are trying to clean yourself off has to be one of the most humiliating things ever.

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