[a n t i j a m s e c t]


25 October 2002

i want you to be my lazy afternoons, the glaze of sun on dandelion littered grass,
my cheek pressed & printed to the blades, to earth,
your heartbeat under my hand & my breath a blush of sighs on the curve of your neck where the collarbone connects
& i get caught up,fascinated
by some still moment where nothing moves but us & the trees flashing their leaves like confetti outside the window remind me of this,
some hush,
some small, discrete action:
i can't wait until:

i want to see you.
this is a series of motions,
to sit in this chair
while the light drifts over & between the needles of the pine trees.
to pass the time, quick quickquick isn't going fast enough.
for me this tickticktick is biding...
i keep hiding my smile behind my hand,
i just can't subdue this astonishment, this contentment i get from holding yr hand.

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