[a n t i j a m s e c t]


22 October 2002

This is the 'If I' survey. I did not make it up. It needs to take over the world. So go forth and multiply (it).

If I could add a colour to the rainbow it would be: black

If I could have sex with a famous person it would be: brittany spears

If I could kill someone and get away with it, i would kill: someone who deserved it.

If I could meet one diarylander that I haven't already met it would be: enfant

If I were in a band it would be called: care factor zero

If I could live in a country other than my own it would be: italy

If I could choose my method of passing it would be: In my sleep

If I had a child it would be called: Astrid or Blake(depending)

I could choose another username for myself it would be: bleujeene

If I could invite three famous people to a tea party they would be: the bright eyes kid, paul mccartney, bill clinton

If I could have one super power it would be: teleportation

If I could go back in time I would go to: 1968

If I had to eat only one item of food for the rest of my life it would be: bagels

If I could take one person to live on a desert Island with me it would be: cxa

If I had to lose one sense I would lose my: smell

If I, from now on, was only allowed to use one word it would be: yes

If I had one thing I wanted you to know, it would be this: My biggest fear is being unloved.

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