[a n t i j a m s e c t]



i was going to chicago, trying to get to my cousins house, she lives lin roscoe village. i get off the train and start walking. its dark and cold night time winter. i start following the directions she gives me and at one part she didn't tell me which way down the street i should go so i start walking down the street i am talking to my friend heather on a cell phone. i walk thru this huge record store/porn shop. i cant remember what the name was but it began with an E. E. records. the further down the street i go the more and more porn and strip clubs there are. i wandered into a redlight district. there are all these really feminine gay guys out on the street catcalling me and making fun of the way i walk in high heeled shoes. they do that till i can't hear them anymore. i walk around a corner, to ask for directions and i see a dunkin donuts. i ask them for a phone book which they dont have then i ask for directions to the itersecton my cousin lives near. they say it woud take 3 hours to walk there. but i could take the el. so i am getting really upset and i go to find the el. i walk down this street and this dog comes up to me in the dark. i pet the dog and tell him to get a move on. i keep walking past a guy sleeping in topless car and the dog comes back to me. i pet it again and the guy in the car begins to call the dog cause its his. but the dog keeps running next to me. the guy then pulls out the biggest gun i've ever seen. and tells me if i dont stop trying to steal his dog he's going to kill me. i slowly begin to walk backwards away from himaround the corner the whole time he is laughing like crazy. i see the el. i know i am supposed to tak the brown line. for somereason there are like 4 platforms and each one is a different color brown is on the top. so i start climbing up the stairs to get to the platform but everything is extrememly narrrow and low so i'm too tall and too big to walk up these stairs and i keep getting caught on stuff and people behind me are yelling at me and calling me nameand finally i push up to the platform and my friend kelly is there for some reason, and i just burst into tears. and she says something like everyone crys the first time. then i wake up.

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