[a n t i j a m s e c t]


04 January 2002

i had 300 entries. this is 301.

this year i resolve to be worse.
i resolve to retain the right to break any and all resolutions. i resolve to break everyones pathetic hearts especially my own.
i resolve to self destruct and hit the bottom chin first.
i resolve to climb the company ladder while using cusswords in meetings and having affairs with coworker's wives and boyfriends.
i resolve to be bitter about little things that are no longer of any consequence whatsoever.
i resolve to have a black heart but still give to charity, anonymously.
i resolve to make myself a target. i resolve to find someone to unjustifiably beat me to a pulp with their big meaty fists.
i resolve to be regretted by everyone who's ever had feelings of love for me.
i resolve to break ties with all of my old friends and i resolve to be forced into making awkward new friends who misjudge my chameleon character.
i resolve to drive my car over a precipice, rolling out the door and onto the ground just before it goes over.
i resolve to work 13 hours a day 7 days a week and put my job ahead of personal fulfillments and human relationships and happiness.
i resolve to be happy and not miserable.
i resolve to be even more of a hypocrite and i resolve to be just as honest.
i resolve to be less confused and smarter and i resolve to please the little girl inside of me, too.
i resolve to build a twenty five thousand dollar savings and blow it all on cds and heroin at the end of the year.
i resolve to build ties to a narcotics dealer.
i resolve to read no books and write no more empty meaningless creations of my own.
i resolve to be boring and insensitive and unappealing and i resolve to be the butt of jokes and a waste of a human being and i resolve to be more real than ever before.
i resolve to have a continuous string of nonclotting nosebleeds which necessitate hospital visits and i resolve these to be stupid desperate cries for help.
i resolve to become whatever i am accused of being.
i resolve to create nothing but still call myself as much of an artist as all the other artists.
i resolve to have limitless contempt for everything pretentious and i resolve to be pretentious.
i resolve to claim to know what is best for everyone and i resolve to judge everyone with whatever information i have and choose to take into consideration.
i resolve to befriend as many liberals as conservatives and as many blacks as whites and as many girls as boys and as many terrorists as capitalists and as many jocks as poets and as many psychotics as neurotics.
i resolve to accept the limits of what i can understand with my dumb stupid mind.
i resolve to fail and i resolve to give up.
i resolve to not take things so seriously and i resolve to make light of hurts.
i resolve to daydream.
i resolve to be formless and spontaneous.
i resolve to be calculated and cold and i resolve to schedule my feelings for expression on solitary sunday evenings. i resolve to be closed off and impenetrable.
i guess that's it for this year.

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