[a n t i j a m s e c t]



cant sleep

cannot sleep!

so i came down to you know, plug myself back in where i feel comfortable, and lo and behold i get an email from my dearest rob, which i must say is


rob, i miss you. please please please move back to indiana. bring dave and halifax. no appreciates TRL like you guys. well, is halifax a guy? i dont know. send pictures.

i'll be so much fun. we can be roomates. sarah can move in to after shes done with school. it'll be like Friends...i'll get the duck.

which reminds me of an old girlscout song:

"make new friends, but keep the o-ld, one is silver, and the other gold. "

dave. sarah. rob. /812crew/

i will not lose you to time or distance or stupid boys ever again. i promise. i love you all. my peeps.

insomnia. longing.

dangerous cocktail.

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